
package ru.circumflex
package web
import core._
import util.matching.Regex
import xml.Node


Circumflex Web Framework is designed around the route concept. A route is an HTTP method paired with some matching mechanism and attached block.

Each route defines a Matcher which describes the conditions a request must satisfy in order to be matched. If such conditions are met, an attached block is executed which yields RouteResponse to the client.

Routes are declared right inside the body of Router and are executed one-by-one until first successful match. If no routes match the request, the 404 NOT FOUND is sent to the client (unless onNoMatch method is overriden in CircumflexFilter).

Inside an attached block you can access MatchResult object produced by enclosing route. Match results are stored in Context, you can look them up by name.

Take a look at our test sources at circumflex-web/src/test/scala to see routers in action.

A bit on trailing slashes

If you write lots of RESTful code, you probably come across following routing paradigm:

any("/items/:itemId/*") = Items.get(param("itemId")) map { i =>
  subroute("/items/" + {
    get("/?") = { ... }

With code like this you would expect /items/6 to hit the inner route, but it does not satisfy the outer route. In earlier versions you would have to forward the route /items/:itemId to enforce trailing slash inside subroutes. Since Circumflex 2.1 we made this a bit easier to you: we simply do not take trailing slash into consideration when matching against the pattern ending with /* (a slash and an asterisk). Note that this only affects string patterns, regex-patterns are processed normally. This also does not affect patterns ending with /+: in this case trailing slash is required.

class Router(var prefix: String = "") {

  implicit def string2response(str: String): RouteResponse =
    new RouteResponse(str)
  implicit def xml2response(xml: Node): RouteResponse = {
    new RouteResponse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + xml.toString)

  implicit def router2response(router: Router): RouteResponse =

  implicit def string2uriMatcher(str: String): RegexMatcher = {
    var _uri = request.uri
    var pattern = servletContext.getContextPath + prefix + str
    if (str.endsWith("/*")) {
      _uri += "/"
      pattern += "/?"
    new RegexMatcher("uri", _uri, pattern)
  implicit def regex2uriMatcher(regex: Regex): RegexMatcher =
    new RegexMatcher("uri", request.uri,
      new Regex(servletContext.getContextPath + prefix + regex.toString))

  // Routes
  val get = new Route("get", "head")
  val getOrPost = new Route("get", "post")
  val head = new Route("head")
  val post = new Route("post")
  val put = new Route("put")
  val patch = new Route("patch")
  val delete = new Route("delete")
  val options = new Route("options")
  val any = new Route("*")

  // Filter
  val filter = new FilterRoute

  // Shortcuts
  def error(statusCode: Int = 400, message: String = "No message available."): Nothing =
    sendError(statusCode, message)
  def redirect(url: String, flashes: (String, Any)*): Nothing =
    sendRedirect(url, flashes: _*)
  def uri: MatchResult = ctx.get("uri") match {
    case Some(m: MatchResult) => m
    case None => new MatchResult("uri", "splat" -> request.uri)

URI rewriting

Special rewrite route allows you to change URI for currently processed request. If route has matched successfully, the URI will be set to the value returned by the attached block. After that the matching will be continued.

This affects request.uri method which is used in standard routes. Use request.originalUri to access original URI after it has been rewritten.

Here's the example of using URI rewriting:

rewrite("/a") = "/a/info"

get("/a") = { ... }   // will never match
get("/a/info") = { ... }  // will match for both `/a` and `/a/info` requests
  val rewrite = new RewriteRoute


Subroutes represent an easy and powerful concept which allows nesting routes inside each other without creating additional routers.

Consider the following example:

class UsersRouter extends Router("/users") {
  get("/") = "list all users"
  any("/:userId/+") = User.get(param("userId")) match {
    case Some(u: User) => subroute("/" + {
      // continue matching with prefix "/users/:userId"
      get("/profile") = "Profile of user #" +
      get("/accounts") = "Accounts of user #" +
      // ...
    case _ => sendError(404)

When entering subroute, specified newPrefix is appended to current prefix and specified block gets executed. All routes inside this block will be matched with respect to this new prefix. If no routes match inside specified block, 404 NOT FOUND is sent.

  def subroute(newPrefix: String)(block: => Unit): Nothing = {
    prefix += newPrefix


trait RoutingContext[-T] {
  def matches: Boolean
  protected def dispatch(block: => T)
  def and: RoutingContext[T] = if (matches) this else NopRoute
  def apply(matcher: Matcher): RoutingContext[T] = matcher.apply() match {
    case Some(matchResults) if matches =>
      matchResults.foreach(m => ctx.update(, m))
    case _ => NopRoute
  def apply(condition: => Boolean): RoutingContext[T] =
    if (matches && condition) this else NopRoute
  def update(matcher: Matcher, block: => T) {
  def update(condition: => Boolean, block: => T) {

class Route(matchingMethods: String*) extends RoutingContext[RouteResponse] {
  val matches = matchingMethods.contains("*") || matchingMethods.contains(request.method)
  protected def dispatch(block: => RouteResponse) {
    val response = block.body

class FilterRoute extends RoutingContext[Unit] {
  def matches = true
  protected def dispatch(block: => Unit) {

class RewriteRoute extends RoutingContext[String] {
  def matches = true
  protected def dispatch(block: => String) {
    val newUri = block
    ctx.update("cx.web.uri", newUri)

object NopRoute extends RoutingContext[Any] {
  protected def dispatch(block: => Any) {}
  def matches = false

case class RouteResponse(body: String)