Schema objects
Following classes represent various database schema objects:
Circumflex ORM also uses some helpers to make DSL-style data definition.
class Schema(val name: String) extends SchemaObject {
def objectName = "SCHEMA " + name
def sqlCreate = ormConf.dialect.createSchema(this)
def sqlDrop = ormConf.dialect.dropSchema(this)
abstract class Constraint(val constraintName: String,
val relation: Relation[_, _])
extends SchemaObject with SQLable {
def objectName = "CONSTRAINT " + constraintName
def sqlCreate = ormConf.dialect.alterTableAddConstraint(this)
def sqlDrop = ormConf.dialect.alterTableDropConstraint(this)
def toSql = ormConf.dialect.constraintDefinition(this)
def sqlDefinition: String
override def toString = toSql
class UniqueKey(name: String,
relation: Relation[_, _],
val columns: Seq[ValueHolder[_, _]])
extends Constraint(name, relation) {
def sqlDefinition = ormConf.dialect.uniqueKeyDefinition(this)
class ForeignKey(name: String,
childRelation: Relation[_, _],
val childColumns: Seq[ValueHolder[_, _]],
val parentRelation: Relation[_, _],
val parentColumns: Seq[ValueHolder[_, _]])
extends Constraint(name, childRelation) {
protected var _onDelete: ForeignKeyAction = NO_ACTION
def onDelete = _onDelete
def ON_DELETE(action: ForeignKeyAction): this.type = {
_onDelete = action
protected var _onUpdate: ForeignKeyAction = NO_ACTION
def onUpdate = _onUpdate
def ON_UPDATE(action: ForeignKeyAction): this.type = {
_onUpdate = action
def sqlDefinition = ormConf.dialect.foreignKeyDefinition(this)
class CheckConstraint(name: String,
relation: Relation[_, _],
val expression: String)
extends Constraint(name, relation) {
def sqlDefinition = ormConf.dialect.checkConstraintDefinition(this)
class Index(val name: String,
val relation: Relation[_, _],
val expression: String)
extends SchemaObject {
protected var _unique: Boolean = false
def isUnique = _unique
def UNIQUE: this.type = {
this._unique = true
private var _method: String = "btree"
def usingClause = _method
def USING(method: String): this.type = {
this._method = method
private var _where: Predicate = EmptyPredicate
def whereClause = _where
def WHERE(predicate: Predicate): this.type = {
this._where = predicate
def objectName = "INDEX " + name
def sqlCreate = ormConf.dialect.createIndex(this)
def sqlDrop = ormConf.dialect.dropIndex(this)
class ConstraintHelper(name: String, relation: Relation[_, _]) {
def UNIQUE(columns: ValueHolder[_, _]*): UniqueKey =
new UniqueKey(name, relation, columns.toList)
def CHECK(expression: String): CheckConstraint =
new CheckConstraint(name, relation, expression)
def FOREIGN_KEY(parentRelation: Relation[_, _],
childColumns: Seq[ValueHolder[_, _]],
parentColumns: Seq[ValueHolder[_, _]]): ForeignKey =
new ForeignKey(name, relation, childColumns, parentRelation, parentColumns)
def FOREIGN_KEY(parentRelation: Relation[_, _],
columns: (ValueHolder[_, _], ValueHolder[_, _])*): ForeignKey = {
val childColumns =
val parentColumns =
FOREIGN_KEY(parentRelation, childColumns, parentColumns)
def FOREIGN_KEY(localColumns: ValueHolder[_, _]*): ForeignKeyHelper =
new ForeignKeyHelper(name, relation, localColumns)
class ForeignKeyHelper(name: String, childRelation: Relation[_, _], childColumns: Seq[ValueHolder[_, _]]) {
def REFERENCES(parentRelation: Relation[_, _],
parentColumns: ValueHolder[_, _]*): ForeignKey =
new ForeignKey(name, childRelation, childColumns, parentRelation, parentColumns)
class DefinitionHelper[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R) {
def INTEGER = new IntField(name, record)
def BIGINT = new LongField(name, record)
def DOUBLE(precision: Int = -1, scale: Int = 0) =
new DoubleField(name, record, precision, scale)
def NUMERIC(precision: Int = -1,
scale: Int = 0,
roundingMode: BigDecimal.RoundingMode.RoundingMode = BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN) =
new NumericField(name, record, precision, scale, roundingMode)
def TEXT = new TextField(name, record, ormConf.dialect.textType)
def VARCHAR(length: Int = -1) = new TextField(name, record, length)
def BOOLEAN = new BooleanField(name, record)
def DATE = new DateField(name, record)
def TIME = new TimeField(name, record)
def TIMESTAMP = new TimestampField(name, record)
def XML(root: String = name) = new XmlField(name, record, root)
def BINARY = new BinaryField(name, record)
def INDEX(expression: String) = new Index(name, record.relation, expression)
case class ForeignKeyAction(toSql: String) extends SQLable {
override def toString = toSql
case class JoinType(toSql: String) extends SQLable {
override def toString = toSql
case class SetOperation(toSql: String) extends SQLable {
override def toString = toSql
class Order(val expression: String, val parameters: Seq[Any])
extends Expression {
protected var _specificator = ormConf.dialect.asc
def ASC: this.type = {
this._specificator = ormConf.dialect.asc
def DESC: this.type = {
this._specificator = ormConf.dialect.desc
def toSql = expression + " " + _specificator