
package ru.circumflex
package orm

import core._
import javax.sql.DataSource
import javax.naming.InitialContext
import java.util.Date
import java.sql.{Timestamp, Connection, PreparedStatement}
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.{DataSources, ComboPooledDataSource}
import collection.mutable.HashMap
import xml._
import util.control.ControlThrowable

ORM Configuration Objects

Circumflex ORM needs to know a little about your environment to operate. Following objects configure different aspects of Circumflex ORM:

  • connection provider is used to acquire JDBC connections, can be overriden using the orm.connectionProvider configuration parameter;
  • type converter handles convertions between JDBC and Scala data types, can be overriden using the orm.typeConverter configuration parameter;
  • dialect handles all SQL rendering throughout the framework, can be overriden using the orm.dialect configuration parameter;
  • transaction manager is responsible for allocating current transactions for execution contexts.
trait ORMConfiguration {

  // Configuration identification

  def name: String
  def prefix(sym: String) = if (name == "") "" else name + sym

  // Database connectivity parameters

  val url = cx.get("orm.connection.url")
      .getOrElse(throw new ORMException(
    "Missing mandatory configuration parameter 'orm.connection.url'."))
  val username = cx.get("orm.connection.username")
      .getOrElse(throw new ORMException(
    "Missing mandatory configuration parameter 'orm.connection.username'."))
  val password = cx.get("orm.connection.password")
      .getOrElse(throw new ORMException(
    "Missing mandatory configuration parameter 'orm.connection.password'."))

  lazy val dialect = cx.instantiate[Dialect]("orm.dialect", url match {
    case u if (u.startsWith("jdbc:postgresql:")) => new PostgreSQLDialect
    case u if (u.startsWith("jdbc:mysql:")) => new MySQLDialect
    case u if (u.startsWith("jdbc:oracle:")) => new OracleDialect
    case u if (u.startsWith("jdbc:h2:")) => new H2Dialect
    case u if (u.startsWith("jdbc:sqlserver:")) => new MSSQLDialect
    case u if (u.startsWith("jdbc:db2:")) => new DB2Dialect
    case _ => new Dialect

  lazy val driver = cx.get("orm.connection.driver") match {
    case Some(s: String) => s
    case _ => dialect.driverClass

  lazy val isolation: Int = cx.get("orm.connection.isolation") match {
    case Some("none") => Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE
    case Some("read_uncommitted") => Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED
    case Some("read_committed") => Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED
    case Some("repeatable_read") => Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
    case Some("serializable") => Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
    case _ => {"Using READ COMMITTED isolation, override 'orm.connection.isolation' if necesssary.")

  // Configuration objects

  lazy val typeConverter: TypeConverter = cx.instantiate[TypeConverter](
    "orm.typeConverter", new TypeConverter)
  lazy val transactionManager: TransactionManager = cx.instantiate[TransactionManager](
    "orm.transactionManager", new DefaultTransactionManager)
  lazy val defaultSchema: Schema = new Schema(
  lazy val statisticsManager: StatisticsManager = cx.instantiate[StatisticsManager](
    "orm.statisticsManager", new StatisticsManager)
  lazy val connectionProvider: ConnectionProvider = cx.instantiate[ConnectionProvider](
    "orm.connectionProvider", new SimpleConnectionProvider(driver, url, username, password, isolation))

class SimpleORMConfiguration(val name: String) extends ORMConfiguration

Connection Provider

The ConnectionProvider is a simple trait responsible for acquiring JDBC connections throughout the application.

trait ConnectionProvider {
  def openConnection(): Connection
  def close()

Circumflex ORM provides default ConnectionProvider implementation. It behaves as follows:

  • if orm.connection.datasource is set, use it to acquire data source from JNDI;
  • if orm.connection.datasource is missing, construct a connection pool using c3p0 and following configuration parameters:

    • orm.connection.url
    • orm.connection.username
    • orm.connection.password
  • set auto-commit for each connection to false
  • set the transaction isolation level to the value orm.connection.isolation (or use READ COMMITTED by default)

If c3p0 data source is used you can fine tune it's configuration with file (see c3p0 documentation for more details).

Though SimpleConnectionProvider is an optimal choice for most applications, you can create your own connection provider by implementing the ConnectionProvider trait and setting the orm.connectionProvider configuration parameter.

class SimpleConnectionProvider(
        val driverClass: String,
        val url: String,
        val username: String,
        val password: String,
        val isolation: Int)
    extends ConnectionProvider {

  protected def createDataSource: DataSource = cx.get("orm.connection.datasource") match {
    case Some(jndiName: String) => {
      val ctx = new InitialContext
      val ds = ctx.lookup(jndiName).asInstanceOf[DataSource]"Using JNDI datasource ({}).", jndiName)
    case _ => {"Using c3p0 connection pool.")
      val ds = new ComboPooledDataSource()

  protected var _ds: DataSource = null
  def dataSource: DataSource = {
    if (_ds == null)
      _ds = createDataSource

  def openConnection(): Connection = {
    val conn = dataSource.getConnection

  def close() {
    _ds = null

Type converter

The TypeConverter trait is used to set JDBC prepared statement values for execution. If you intend to use custom types, provide your own implementation.

class TypeConverter {
  def write(st: PreparedStatement, parameter: Any, paramIndex: Int) {
    parameter match {
      case None | null => st.setObject(paramIndex, null)
      case Some(v) => write(st, v, paramIndex)
      case p: Date => st.setObject(paramIndex, new Timestamp(p.getTime))
      case x: Elem => st.setString(paramIndex, x.toString())
      case bd: BigDecimal => st.setBigDecimal(paramIndex, bd.bigDecimal)
      case ba: Array[Byte] => st.setBytes(paramIndex, ba)
      case v => st.setObject(paramIndex, v)

Transaction manager

No communication with the database can occur outside of a database transaction.

The Transaction class wraps JDBC Connection and provides simple methods for committing or rolling back underlying transaction as well as for executing various typical JDBC statements.

The TransactionManager trait is responsible for allocation current transaction for application's execution context. The default implementation uses Context, however, your application may require different approaches to transaction demarcation — in this case you may provide your own implementation.

JDBC PreparedStatement objects are also cached within Transaction for performance considerations.

class Transaction {

  // Connections are opened lazily
  protected var _connection: Connection = null

  // Statements are cached by actual SQL
  protected val _statementsCache = new HashMap[String, PreparedStatement]()

  def isLive: Boolean =
    _connection != null && !_connection.isClosed

  def commit() {
    if (isLive && !_connection.getAutoCommit) _connection.commit()

  def rollback() {
    if (isLive && !_connection.getAutoCommit) _connection.rollback()

  def close() {
    if (isLive) try {
      // close all cached statements
    } finally {
      // clear statements cache
      // close connection
      ORM_LOG.trace("Closed a JDBC connection.")

  protected def getConnection: Connection = {
    if (_connection == null || _connection.isClosed) {
      _connection = ormConf.connectionProvider.openConnection()
      ORM_LOG.trace("Opened a JDBC connection.")

  // Cache service

  val cache: CacheService = new DefaultCacheService()

  // Execution methods

  def execute[A](connActions: Connection => A,
                 errActions: Throwable => A): A =
    try {
      val result = connActions(getConnection)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>

  def execute[A](sql: String,
                 stActions: PreparedStatement => A,
                 errActions: Throwable => A): A = execute({ conn =>
    ORM_LOG.debug(ormConf.prefix(": ")  + sql)
    val st =_statementsCache.get(sql).getOrElse {
      val statement = ormConf.dialect.prepareStatement(conn, sql)
      _statementsCache.update(sql, statement)
  }, errActions)

  def apply[A](block: => A): A = {
    val sp = getConnection.setSavepoint()
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: ControlThrowable =>
        ORM_LOG.trace("Escaped nested transaction via ControlThrowable, ROLLBACK is suppressed.")
        throw e
      case e: Exception =>
        throw e
    } finally {


trait TransactionManager {
  def get: Transaction

class DefaultTransactionManager extends TransactionManager {

  Context.addDestroyListener(c => try {
    ORM_LOG.trace("Committed current transaction.")
  } catch {
    case e1: Exception =>
      ORM_LOG.error("Could not commit current transaction", e1)
      try {
        ORM_LOG.trace("Rolled back current transaction.")
      } catch {
        case e2: Exception =>
          ORM_LOG.error("Could not roll back current transaction", e2)
  } finally {

  def get: Transaction = ctx.get("orm.transaction") match {
    case Some(t: Transaction) => t
    case _ =>
      val t = cx.instantiate[Transaction]("orm.transaction", new Transaction)
      ctx.update("orm.transaction", t)


// Special helper for single-user REPL usage
class ConsoleTransactionManager extends TransactionManager {
  var currentTransaction = new Transaction
  def get = currentTransaction