Static HTML generator
Circumflex FreeMarker Helper offers a tiny tool which scans sourcePath (relative to templatesRoot ) for templates (which are resolved from templatesRoot ) and generates corresponding HTML file into targetDir preserving directory structure and names.
Any exceptions occured inside template will cause a template to be omitted.
For example, consider following source directory (templateRoot = src/main/resources/templates , sourcePath ):
\ errors/
| \ 502.ftl
| \ 404.ftl
| \ layout.ftl
\ layout.ftl
\ index.ftl
After running StaticHtmlGenerator it will populate target directory with following HTML files (assuming that layout.ftl cannot be rendered on their own):
\ errors/
| \ 502.html
| \ 404.html
\ index.ftl
You can also pass additional data using add method.
class StaticHtmlGenerator(val templatesRoot: File,
val sourcePath: String,
val targetDir: File) {
val sourceDir = new File(templatesRoot, sourcePath)
val data = new HashMap[String, Any]
def add(name: String, value: Any): this.type = {
data += name -> value
def generate() {
val files = FileUtils.listFiles(sourceDir, Array("ftl"), true)"Generating static html files into " + targetDir.getCanonicalPath)
val t = time {
JavaConversions.collectionAsScalaIterable[File](files).foreach { file =>
val template = file.getCanonicalPath.substring(templatesRoot.getCanonicalPath.length())
val relName = file.getCanonicalPath
.replaceAll("\\.ftl$", ".html")
val outFile = new File(targetDir, relName)
try {
Context.executeInNew { ctx =>
ctx.update("msg", msg)
ctx.update("cfg", cx)
ctx ++= data
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outFile, ftl2string(template), "UTF-8")
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
FTL_LOG.warn("Skipping " + template + " due to " + e.getClass.getSimpleName)
FTL_LOG.debug("Exception in static generation", e)
}"Generated static html files in " + t._1.toDouble / 1000 + " seconds.")