Default FreeMarker Configuration
The default FreeMarker configuration implies following:
- templates are loaded from
${webapp-root}/templates directory or, if failed, from application classpath;
- all template errors result in exception to be thrown to controller;
- character encoding defaults to UTF-8;
- the
ScalaObjectWrapper is used for Scala core types.
You can alter template loading dynamically using addLoader and setLoaders methods, but in general this is only acceptable in initialization code. In any case make sure you know what you are doing first.
class DefaultConfiguration extends Configuration {
// Loaders
protected var _loaders: Seq[TemplateLoader] = Nil
def loaders = _loaders
def addLoader(loader: TemplateLoader): this.type = {
_loaders ++= List(loader)
setTemplateLoader(new MultiTemplateLoader(loaders.toArray))
def setLoaders(ldrs: TemplateLoader*): this.type = {
_loaders = ldrs.toList
setTemplateLoader(new MultiTemplateLoader(loaders.toArray))
// Defaults
setObjectWrapper(new ScalaObjectWrapper())
setSharedVariable("me", MarkevenDirective)
try {
addLoader(new WebappTemplateLoader(servletContext, "/templates"))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
CX_LOG.warn("Not running in webapp context.")
addLoader(new ClassTemplateLoader(getClass, "/"))
object MarkevenDirective extends TemplateDirectiveModel {
def execute(env: Environment,
params: java.util.Map[_, _],
loopVars: Array[TemplateModel],
body: TemplateDirectiveBody) {
val nested = new StringWriter