package ru.circumflex
package docco
import core._, freemarker._
import java.io._
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.{TrueFileFilter, RegexFileFilter}
import java.util.{Collection => JCollection}
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import org.apache.commons.io.{FilenameUtils, IOUtils, FileUtils}
case class Section(private var _doc: String = "", private var _code: String = "") {
var committed = false
protected def trimNewLines(s: String) =
s.replaceAll("^\\n+(.*)", "$1").replaceAll("(.*?)\\n+$", "$1")
private var _md: String = null
def addCode(s: String): this.type = {
committed = true
_code += s + "\n"
def code = trimNewLines(_code)
def addDoc(s: String): this.type = {
_doc += s + "\n"
_md = null
def doc: String = {
if (_md == null)
_md = markeven.toHtml(_doc)
def isEmpty: Boolean = _doc == "" && _code == ""
Documenting Scala files with Docco
This utility generates a user-friendly HTML for specified Scala source file by placing documentation and corresponding code blocks side by side.
The usage is trivial:
or shortcut of above:
Docco uses FreeMarker to process pages, so you can provide your own FreeMarker Configuration and templates.
object Docco {
def apply(sourceFile: String, stripScaladoc: Boolean = true): Docco =
new Docco(new File(sourceFile), stripScaladoc)
class Docco(val file: File, val stripScaladoc: Boolean = true) {
val pageTemplate: String = cx.get("docco.pageTemplate")
val docSingleLine = "^\\s*/\\*!\\s*(.*?)\\*/".r
val docBegin = "^(\\s*)/\\*!\\s*(.*)".r
val docEnd = "(.*?)\\*/\\s*".r
val scaladocBegin = "^(\\s*)/\\*\\*(.*)".r
val sections = {
var result = new ListBuffer[Section]
var section = new Section()
val reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))
var insideDoc = false
var insideScaladoc = false
var indent = ""
def flushSection() {
if (!section.isEmpty)
result ++= List(section)
section = new Section()
try {
var str = reader.readLine
while (str != null) {
str match {
case docSingleLine(s) if (!insideScaladoc) =>
if (section.committed)
insideDoc = false
case docBegin(i, s) if (!insideScaladoc) =>
if (section.committed)
indent = i
insideDoc = true
case scaladocBegin(i, s) if (!insideDoc) =>
insideScaladoc = true
if (!stripScaladoc) section.addCode(str)
case docEnd(s) =>
if (insideDoc)
if (insideScaladoc && !stripScaladoc)
insideDoc = false
insideScaladoc = false
case s => {
if (insideDoc) {
section.addDoc(s.replaceAll("^" + indent, ""))
} else {
if (!insideScaladoc || !stripScaladoc)
str = reader.readLine
} finally {
def writeHtml(writer: Writer) {
.process(Map[String, Any]("title" -> file.getName, "sections" -> sections), writer)
def writeHtml(file: File) {
val fw = new FileWriter(file)
try {
} finally {
def writeHtml(file: String) {
writeHtml(new File(file))
def writeHtml() {
writeHtml(file.getAbsolutePath + ".html")
Batch processing
This utility generates Docco for specified docco.basePath configuration parameter. It is intended to build a documentation suite for arbitrary Maven project. The documentation is saved in location defined by docco.outputDirectory configuration parameter and contains:
index.html ;
- generated subfolders and documentation;
- custom resources in
.docco .
class DoccoBatch {
// Base path for crawler
val basePath: File = cx.get("docco.basePath") match {
case Some(f: File) => f
case Some(s: String) => new File(s)
case _ => new File(".")
val outputPath = cx.get("docco.outputPath") match {
case Some(f: File) => f
case Some(s: String) => new File(s)
case _ => new File("target/docco")
// Where should we store results of our work?
// Templates
val pageTemplate: String = cx.get("docco.pageTemplate")
val indexTemplate: String = cx.get("docco.indexTemplate")
// Regex to filter sources
val filenameRegex = cx.get("docco.filenameRegex").map(_.toString)
// Custom resources
var customResources: List[String] = Nil
// Title for index
val title: String = cx.get("docco.title").map(_.toString)
.getOrElse(basePath.getCanonicalFile.getName + " index")
// Should we strip Scaladoc ( `/** .. */` ) or not?
val stripScaladoc: Boolean = cx.get("docco.stripScaladoc")
// Should we ignore files with no docco?
val skipEmpty: Boolean = cx.get("docco.skipEmpty")
def addCustomResource(v: String) { customResources ++= List(v) }
def prepareCustomResources() {
if (customResources.size > 0) {
val customResDir = new File(outputPath, ".docco")
// create output directories if they do not already exist
// copy resources
customResources.foreach {
r =>
var f = new File(r)
if (f.isDirectory) FileUtils.copyDirectory(f, customResDir)
else if (f.isFile) FileUtils.copyFile(f, customResDir)
else {
// try to load the resource as stream
val res = getClass.getResource(r)
if (res != null) {
val in = res.openStream
val out = new FileOutputStream(new File(customResDir, FilenameUtils.getName(r)))
try {
IOUtils.copy(in, out)
} finally {
def generate() {
// crawl basePath for the sources
val bp = basePath.getCanonicalPath
val op = outputPath.getCanonicalPath
val sources = new ListBuffer[File]
val srcIt = FileUtils.listFiles(basePath,
new RegexFileFilter(filenameRegex),
while (srcIt.hasNext)
sources += srcIt.next
// generate doccos
val doccos = sources.flatMap { f =>
val docco = new Docco(f, stripScaladoc)
if (!skipEmpty || docco.sections.size > 1) {
val fp = f.getCanonicalPath
val relName = fp.substring(bp.length + 1) + ".html"
val outFile = new File(outputPath, relName)
val out = new FileWriter(outFile)
try {
ftlConfig.getTemplate(pageTemplate).process(Map[String, Any](
"title" -> f.getName,
"sections" -> docco.sections,
"depth" -> relName.toList.filter(c => c == File.separatorChar).length), out)
} finally {
} else None
// prepare index
val indexMap = doccos
.groupBy(f => f.getParentFile).map { p =>
val dirName = p._1.getCanonicalPath.substring(op.length + 1)
val filenames = p._2.map(f => f.getName.replaceAll("\\.html$", ""))
(dirName -> filenames)
val dirs = indexMap.keys.toList.sortBy(_.toString)
val out = new FileWriter(new File(outputPath, "index.html"))
try {
var data = Map[String, Any]("dirs" -> dirs, "index" -> indexMap, "title" -> title)
ftlConfig.getTemplate(indexTemplate).process(data, out)
} finally {