
package ru.circumflex
package core

import java.util.Date
import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, HashMap}

Context API

Context is a thread-local container which allows you to share objects (also known as context variables) within one logical scope.

Such logical scope could be anything: database transaction, HTTP request, user session within GUI form, etc. Within this scope you can obtain current context by calling Context.get method (or using ctx method of package ru.circumflex.core).

Most Circumflex components depend on context and, therefore, can only be run inside context-aware code. Application is responsible for maintaining context lifecycle. For example, Circumflex Web Framework takes care of context initialization and finalization inside CircumflexFilter. See Context Lifecycle for more information.

Circumflex context also extends UntypedContainer so you may access instantiation fancies as well as coercing parameters to expected types.

Context Lifecycle

In order to maintain context scope an application should properly initialize and destroy contexts. It is done by using Context.init and Context.destroy methods.

You can also add event listeners which will be executed after the context is initialized or before the context is destroyed.

Context is initialized when it is first accessed via Context.get method. You can override default context implementation by setting cx.context configuration parameter.

class Context extends HashMap[String, Any] with UntypedContainer {
  override def stringPrefix = "ctx"

object Context {

  // We use thread-local storage so that each thread can get it's own instance of context.

  protected val threadLocal = new ThreadLocal[Context]

  protected val _initListeners = new ListBuffer[Context => Unit]
  def initListeners = _initListeners
  def addInitListener(listener: Context => Unit) {
    _initListeners += listener
  def insertInitListener(index: Int, listener: Context => Unit) {
    _initListeners.insert(index, listener)

  protected val _destroyListeners = new ListBuffer[Context => Unit]
  def destroyListeners = _destroyListeners
  def addDestroyListener(listener: Context => Unit) {
    _destroyListeners += listener
  def insertDestroyListener(index: Int, listener: Context => Unit) {
    _destroyListeners.insert(index, listener)

  def get(): Context = {
    if (!isLive) init()

  def isLive: Boolean = threadLocal.get != null

  def init() {
    threadLocal.set(cx.instantiate[Context]("cx.context", new Context))
    initListeners.foreach(l => l.apply(get()))

  def destroy() {
    if (isLive) {

  def executeInNew[A](block: Context => A): A = {
    val previousCtx: Option[Context] = if (isLive) Some(get()) else None
    try {
      val _ctx = get()
    } finally {


Context DSL

Circumflex enables you to use Scala Symbol to access and set context variables in a DSL fashion.

Following syntaxes are available for accessing context variables:

'key.apply[T]                // T
'key.get[T]                  // Option[T]
'key.getOrElse(default: T)   // T

Following syntaxes are available for setting context variables:

'key := value

The implicit conversions from Symbol into ContextVarHelper are available in the ru.circumflex.core package.

class ContextVarHelper(val sym: Symbol) {
  val key =
  def apply[T]: T =[T](key)
  def get[T]: Option[T] = ctx.getAs[T](key)
  def getOrElse[T >: Any](default: T): T = ctx.getOrElse[T](key, default)
  def getString(key: String): String = getOrElse(key, "").toString
  def getString: String = ctx.getString(key)
  def getBoolean: Boolean = ctx.getBoolean(key)
  def getInt: Int = ctx.getInt(key)
  def getLong: Long = ctx.getLong(key)
  def getDouble: Double = ctx.getDouble(key)
  def getDate(pattern: String): Date = ctx.getDate(key, pattern)

  def update(value: Any) {
    ctx.update(key, value)
  def :=(value: Any) {
