
package ru.circumflex
package core

import java.util.{Date, ResourceBundle, Locale}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import collection.mutable.{HashMap, Map}

Configuration API

This singleton can be used to retrieve Circumflex configuration parameters throughout your application.

Configuration parameters are read from which should be available in classpath.

You can also configure your application in runtime, just add your configuration parameters into Circumflex using methods of Scala's Map interface. Note, however, that Circumflex singleton is not thread-safe, so it is a best practice to only set configuration parameters inside some initialization block which will be executed only once by only one thread.

Circumflex Maven Plugin enables you to configure your application at build time using Maven properties (specified either in application's pom.xml or in settings.xml) and system properties (specified in command line). This is very robust production scenario, because it allows different configurations in different environments without manual filtering sources and resources.

object Circumflex extends HashMap[String, Any] with UntypedContainer {

  // The configuration object is initialized by reading ``.
  try {
    val bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
      "cx", Locale.getDefault, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
    val keys = bundle.getKeys
    while (keys.hasMoreElements) {
      val k = keys.nextElement
      this(k) = bundle.getString(k)
  } catch {
    case e: Exception => CX_LOG.error("Could not read configuration parameters from")

  override def stringPrefix = "cx"

Several helper methods allow you to obtain parameter precisely in the type you expect:

  • getAs[T] returns Option[T];
  • as[T] returns [T];
  • getXXX returns XXX trying to coerce the value to the XXX type.

A ClassCastException is thrown if the configuration contains the value with different type than you expect.

Circumflex configuration (and every untyped container) also offers you a convenient way to configure different implementations of components and services, such as configuring dialects or connection providers for Circumflex ORM or request routers for Circumflex Web Framework. We call this mechanism an instantiation facility.

The logic is pretty simple. Let's say an application or library expects you to provide an implementation of some interface, for example, MyService, and has a default implementation, for example, DefaultMyService:

cx.instantiate[MyService]("myApp.myService", DefaultMyService)

Then you can override this implementation by setting the configuration parameter (myApp.myService in our example) to one of the following values:

  • the class of the desired object, if you run some initialization code:

    cx("myApp.myService") = classOf[MyServiceImpl]
  • class name of your implementation, if you use


Scala singletons might also work pretty fine as service implementations, but you should remember to add a dollar sign ($) to the class name.

For example, if you have following singleton:

package com.myapp
object MyServiceImpl extends MyService { ... }

then set your myApp.myService configuration parameter to com.myapp.MyServiceImpl$. Note that singletons cannot be instantiated more than once, so you'll get the same instance each time.

Also note that the instantiation is done using default public class constructors, so make sure that the supplied class has one.

trait UntypedContainer extends Map[String, Any] {

  def as[C](key: String): C = apply(key).asInstanceOf[C]
  def getAs[C](key: String): Option[C] = get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[C]]
  def getString(key: String): String = getOrElse(key, "").toString
  def getBoolean(key: String): Boolean = getOrElse(key, "false").toString.toBoolean
  def getInt(key: String): Int = getOrElse(key, "0").toString.toInt
  def getLong(key: String): Long = getOrElse(key, "0").toString.toLong
  def getDouble(key: String): Double = getOrElse(key, "0").toString.toDouble
  def getDate(key: String, pattern: String): Date =
    get(key).map(v => new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).parse(v.toString)).getOrElse(new Date)

  def instantiate[C](name: String, default: =>C): C = this.get(name) match {
    case Some(c: Class[_]) => instantiateObject[C](name, c)
    case Some(s: String) if (s.trim() != "") => instantiateObject[C](name, Class.forName(
      s.trim(), true, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader))
    case v => default

  def instantiate[C](name: String): C = instantiate[C](name, throw new CircumflexException(
    "Could not perform instantiation for parameter " + name))

  protected def instantiateObject[C](name: String, c: Class[_]): C = try {
  } catch {
    case e: Exception => c.newInstance.asInstanceOf[C]
