
package ru.circumflex.web

import ru.circumflex.core._
import util.matching.Regex
import xml.Node


Circumflex Web Framework is designed around the route concept. A route is an HTTP method paired with some matching mechanism and attached block.

Each route defines a Matcher which describes the conditions a request must satisfy in order to be matched. If such conditions are met, an attached block is executed which yields RouteResponse to the client.

Routes are declared right inside the body of RequestRouter and are executed one-by-one until first successful match. If no routes match the request, the 404 NOT FOUND is sent to the client (unless onNoMatch method is overriden in CircumflexFilter).

Inside an attached block you can access MatchResult object produced by enclosing route. Match results are stored in Context, you can look them up by name.

Take a look at our test sources at circumflex-web/src/test/scala to see routers in action.

class RequestRouter(val prefix: String = "") {

  implicit def string2response(str: String): RouteResponse =
    new RouteResponse(str)
  implicit def xml2response(xml: Node): RouteResponse = {
    new RouteResponse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + xml.toString)

  implicit def router2response(router: RequestRouter): RouteResponse =

  implicit def string2uriMatcher(str: String): RegexMatcher =
    new RegexMatcher("uri", request.uri, servletContext.getContextPath + prefix + str)
  implicit def regex2uriMatcher(regex: Regex): RegexMatcher =
    new RegexMatcher("uri", request.uri,
      new Regex(servletContext.getContextPath + prefix + regex.toString))

  // Routes
  val get = new Route("get")
  val head = new Route("head")
  val getOrPost = new Route("get", "post")
  val getOrHead = new Route("get", "head")
  val post = new Route("post")
  val put = new Route("put")
  val patch = new Route("patch")
  val delete = new Route("delete")
  val options = new Route("options")
  val any = new Route("get", "post", "put", "patch" , "delete", "head", "options")

  // Filter
  val filter = new FilterRoute

  // Shortcuts
  def error(statusCode: Int = 400, message: String = "No message available."): Nothing =
    sendError(statusCode, message)
  def redirect(url: String, flashes: (String, Any)*): Nothing =
    sendRedirect(url, flashes: _*)
  def uri: MatchResult = ctx.get("uri") match {
    case Some(m: MatchResult) => m
    case None => new MatchResult("uri", "splat" -> request.uri)


trait RoutingContext[-T] {
  def matches: Boolean
  protected def dispatch(block: => T): Unit
  def and: RoutingContext[T] = if (matches) this else NopRoute
  def apply(matcher: Matcher): RoutingContext[T] = matcher.apply() match {
    case Some(matchResults) if matches =>
      matchResults.foreach(m => ctx.update(, m))
      return this
    case _ => return NopRoute
  def apply(condition: => Boolean): RoutingContext[T] =
    if (matches && condition) this else NopRoute
  def update(matcher: Matcher, block: => T): Unit =
  def update(condition: => Boolean, block: => T): Unit =

class Route(matchingMethods: String*) extends RoutingContext[RouteResponse] {
  val matches = matchingMethods.contains(request.method)
  protected def dispatch(block: => RouteResponse): Unit = {
    val response = block.body

class FilterRoute extends RoutingContext[Unit] {
  def matches = true
  protected def dispatch(block: => Unit) = block

object NopRoute extends RoutingContext[Any] {
  protected def dispatch(block: => Any): Unit = {}
  def matches = false

case class RouteResponse(val body: String)