
package ru.circumflex.orm

import xml._
import java.io.File
import ru.circumflex.core._

XML (de)serialization

Circumflex ORM allows you to load graphs of associated records from XML files. This is very useful for loading test data and exchanging records between databases with associations preserving (in id-independent style).

Every Field capable of (de)serializing itself (from)into XML should extend the XmlSerializable trait. A record can be read from XML format if it contains only XmlSerializable fields.

abstract class XmlSerializable[T, R <: Record[_, R]](
    name: String, record: R, sqlType: String)
    extends Field[T, R](name, record, sqlType) {
  def from(str: String): Option[T]
  def to(value: Option[T]): String =

Deployment is a unit of work of XML import tool. It specifies the prefix for record classes resolution, the onExist behavior (keep, update or recreate) and whether record validation is needed before persisting. One deployment corresponds to one transaction, so each deployment is executed atomically.

class Deployment(val id: String,
                 val prefix: String,
                 val onExist: Deployment.OnExistAction,
                 val validate: Boolean = true,
                 val entries: Seq[Node]) {

  def process(): Unit = try {
    entries.foreach(e => processNode(e, Nil))
  } catch {
    case e =>
      throw e

  protected def processNode[R <: Record[Any, R]](
      node: Node,
      parentPath: Seq[Pair[Association[_, _, _], Record[_, _]]]): Record[Any, R] = {
    val cl = pickClass(node)
    var r = cl.newInstance.asInstanceOf[R]
    var update = false
    // Decide, whether a record should be processed, and how exactly.
    if (node.attributes.next != null) {
      val crit = prepareCriteria(r, node)
      crit.unique match {
        case Some(rec: R) if (onExist == Deployment.Skip || node.child.size == 0) =>
          return rec
        case Some(rec: R) if (onExist == Deployment.Recreate) =>
        case Some(rec: R) if (onExist == Deployment.Update) =>
          r = rec
          update = true
        case _ =>
    // If we are still here, let's process the record further.
    // In first place, we set provided parents
    parentPath.foreach { p =>
      if (r.relation.fields.contains(p._1.field))
        r.relation.getField(r, p._1.field.asInstanceOf[Field[Any, R]]).set(p._2.PRIMARY_KEY.value)
    var foreigns: Seq[Pair[Association[_, _, _], Node]] = Nil
    // Secondly, we set fields provided via attributes
    node.attributes.foreach(a => setRecordField(r, a.key, a.value.toString))
    // Next we process element body
    node.child.foreach {
      case n: Elem => try {
        r.getClass.getMethod(n.label) match {
          case m if (classOf[Field[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) =>
            setRecordField(r, n.label, n.child.mkString.trim)
          case m if (classOf[Association[_, _, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) =>
            val a = m.invoke(r).asInstanceOf[Association[Any, R, R]]
            val newPath = parentPath ++ List(a -> r)
            val parent = if (n.child.size == 0) {
              val newNode = Elem(null, a.parentRelation.recordClass.getSimpleName, n.attributes, n.scope)
              Some(processNode(newNode, newPath))
            } else n.child.find(_.isInstanceOf[Elem]).map(n => processNode(n, newPath))
            r.relation.getField(r, a.field).set(parent.map(_.PRIMARY_KEY.value))
          case m if (classOf[InverseAssociation[_, _, _, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) =>
            val a = m.invoke(r).asInstanceOf[InverseAssociation[Any, R, R, Any]].association
            foreigns ++= n.child.filter(_.isInstanceOf[Elem]).map(n => (a -> n))
      } catch {
        case e: NoSuchMethodException =>
          ORM_LOG.warn("Could not process '" + n.label + "' of " + r.getClass)
      case _ =>
    // Now the record is ready to be saved
    if (update)
      if (validate) r.UPDATE() else r.UPDATE_!()
    if (validate) r.INSERT() else r.INSERT_!()
    // Finally, we process the foreigners
    foreigns.foreach(p =>
      processNode(p._2, parentPath ++ List(p._1.asInstanceOf[Association[Any, R, R]] -> r)))
    // And return our record
    return r

  protected def pickClass(node: Node): Class[_] = {
    var p = ""
    if (prefix != "") p = prefix + "."
    return Class.forName(p + node.label, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())

  protected def setRecordField[R <: Record[_, R]](r: R, k: String, v: String): Unit = {
    val m = r.getClass.getMethod(k)
    if (classOf[Field[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) {    // only scalar fields are accepted
      val field = m.invoke(r).asInstanceOf[Field[Any, R]]
      val value = convertValue(field, v)

  protected def prepareCriteria[R <: Record[Any, R]](r: R, n: Node): Criteria[Any, R] = {
    val crit = r.relation.AS("root").criteria
    n.attributes.foreach(a => {
      val k = a.key
      val field = r.relation.getClass.getMethod(k).invoke(r).asInstanceOf[Field[Any, R]]
      val v = convertValue(field, a.value.toString)
      crit.add(field EQ v)
    return crit

  protected def convertValue(field: Field[Any, _], v: String): Option[Any] = field match {
    case field: XmlSerializable[Any, _] => field.from(v)
    case _ => Some(v)

  override def toString = id match {
    case "" => "deployment@" + hashCode
    case _ => id


object Deployment {

  trait OnExistAction
  object Skip extends OnExistAction
  object Update extends OnExistAction
  object Recreate extends OnExistAction

  def readOne(n: Node): Deployment = if (n.label == "deployment") {
    val id = (n \ "@id").text
    val prefix = (n \ "@prefix").text
    val onExist = (n \ "@onExist").text match {
      case "keep" | "ignore" | "skip" => Deployment.Skip
      case "update" => Deployment.Update
      case "recreate" | "delete" | "delete-create" | "overwrite" => Deployment.Recreate
      case _ => Deployment.Skip
    val validate = (n \ "@validate").text match {
      case "false" | "f" | "no" | "off" => false
      case _ => true
    return new Deployment(id, prefix, onExist, validate, n.child.filter(n => n.isInstanceOf[Elem]))
  } else throw new ORMException("<deployment> expected, but <" + n.label + "> found.")

  def readAll(n: Node): Seq[Deployment] = if (n.label == "deployments")
    (n \ "deployment").map(n => readOne(n))
  else throw new ORMException("<deployments> expected, but " + n.label + " found.")


class DeploymentHelper(f: File) {
  def loadData(): Unit = Deployment.readAll(XML.loadFile(f)).foreach(_.process)