
package ru.circumflex

import ru.circumflex.core._
import orm._
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager
import collection.mutable.Stack

The orm Package

Package orm contains different shortcuts, utilities, helpers and implicits — the basis of DSL of Circumflex ORM.

You should import this package to use Circumflex ORM in your application:

import ru.circumflex.orm._
package object orm {

  val ORM_LOG = new Logger("ru.circumflex.orm")

  // Commons

  val dialect: Dialect = cx.instantiate[Dialect]("orm.dialect", cx.get("orm.connection.url") match {
    case Some(url: String) =>
      if (url.startsWith("jdbc:postgresql:")) new PostgreSQLDialect
      else if (url.startsWith("jdbc:mysql:")) new MySQLDialect
      else if (url.startsWith("jdbc:oracle:")) new OracleDialect
      else if (url.startsWith("jdbc:h2:")) new H2Dialect
      else if (url.startsWith("jdbc:sqlserver:")) new MSSQLDialect
      else if (url.startsWith("jdbc:db2:")) new DB2Dialect
      else new Dialect
    case _ => new Dialect

  val connectionProvider: ConnectionProvider = cx.instantiate[ConnectionProvider](
    "orm.connectionProvider", new DefaultConnectionProvider)

  val typeConverter: TypeConverter = cx.instantiate[TypeConverter](
    "orm.typeConverter", new TypeConverter)

  val transactionManager: TransactionManager = cx.instantiate[TransactionManager](
    "orm.transactionManager", new DefaultTransactionManager)

  val defaultSchema: Schema = new Schema(

  val ehcacheManager: CacheManager = cx.get("orm.ehcache.config") match {
    case Some(f: String) => new CacheManager(f)
    case _ => new CacheManager()

  def contextCache = CacheService.get

  def tx: Transaction = transactionManager.get
  def COMMIT() = tx.commit()
  def ROLLBACK() = tx.rollback()

Alias Stack

Circumflex ORM offers nice DSL to reference fields of aliased tables:

val co = Country AS "co"
val predicate = EQ "Switzerland"

In this example RelationNode[Country] with alias "co" is implicitly converted into Country, its underlying Relation, because only that relation owns field name. However, the information about the alias is lost during this conversion. We use aliasStack to remember it during conversion so it can be accessed later.

  object aliasStack {
    protected def _stack: Stack[String] = ctx.get("orm.aliasStack") match {
      case Some(s: Stack[String]) => s
      case _ =>
        val s = Stack[String]()
        ctx += "orm.aliasStack" -> s
    def pop: Option[String] = if (_stack.size == 0) None else Some(_stack.pop)
    def push(alias: String): Unit = _stack.push(alias)

  // Implicits

  // for nodes

  implicit def relation2node[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](relation: Relation[PK, R]): RelationNode[PK, R] =
    new RelationNode[PK, R](relation)
  implicit def node2relation[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](node: RelationNode[PK, R]): R = {
  implicit def vh2colExpr[T, R <: Record[_, R]](vh: ValueHolder[T, R]): ColumnExpression[T, R] =
    new ColumnExpression(vh)

  // for predicates

  implicit def string2helper(expression: String): SimpleExpressionHelper =
    new SimpleExpressionHelper(expression)
  implicit def string2predicate(expression: String): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(expression, Nil)
  implicit def expr2predicate(expression: Expression): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(expression.toSql, expression.parameters)
  implicit def predicate2aggregateHelper(predicate: Predicate) =
    new AggregatePredicateHelper(predicate)
  implicit def predicate2string(predicate: Predicate): String = predicate.toInlineSql

  // for orders

  implicit def string2order(expression: String): Order =
    new Order(expression, Nil)
  implicit def vh2order(vh: ValueHolder[_, _]): Order =
    new Order(vh.aliasedName, Nil)

  // for projections

  implicit def string2projection(expression: String): Projection[Any] =
    new ExpressionProjection[Any](expression)
  implicit def vh2projection[T](vh: ValueHolder[T, _]): Projection[T] =
    new ExpressionProjection[T](vh.aliasedName)

  implicit def pair2proj[T1, T2](t: (Projection[T1], Projection[T2])) =
    new PairProjection(t._1, t._2)

  // Constants

  val NO_ACTION = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkNoAction)
  val CASCADE = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkCascade)
  val RESTRICT = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkRestrict)
  val SET_NULL = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkSetNull)
  val SET_DEFAULT = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkSetDefault)

  val INNER = JoinType(dialect.innerJoin)
  val LEFT = JoinType(dialect.leftJoin)
  val RIGHT = JoinType(dialect.rightJoin)
  val FULL = JoinType(dialect.fullJoin)

  val OP_UNION = SetOperation(dialect.UNION)
  val OP_UNION_ALL = SetOperation(dialect.UNION_ALL)
  val OP_EXCEPT = SetOperation(dialect.EXCEPT)
  val OP_EXCEPT_ALL = SetOperation(dialect.EXCEPT_ALL)
  val OP_INTERSECT = SetOperation(dialect.INTERSECT)
  val OP_INTERSECT_ALL = SetOperation(dialect.INTERSECT_ALL)

  // Predicates DSL

  def AND(predicates: Predicate*) =
    new AggregatePredicateHelper(predicates.head).AND(predicates.tail: _*)
  def OR(predicates: Predicate*) =
    new AggregatePredicateHelper(predicates.head).OR(predicates.tail: _*)
  def NOT(predicate: Predicate) =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.not(predicate.toSql), predicate.parameters)
  def expr[T](expression: String): ExpressionProjection[T] =
    new ExpressionProjection[T](expression)
  def prepareExpr(expression: String, params: Pair[String, Any]*): SimpleExpression = {
    var sqlText = expression
    var parameters: Seq[Any] = Nil
    val paramsMap = Map[String, Any](params: _*)
    val pattern = Pattern.compile(":(\\w+)\\b")
    val matcher = pattern.matcher(expression)
    while(matcher.find) paramsMap.get( match {
      case Some(param) => parameters ++= List(param)
      case _ => parameters ++= List(null)
    sqlText = matcher.replaceAll("?")
    return new SimpleExpression(sqlText, parameters)

  // Simple subqueries DSL

  def EXISTS(subquery: SQLQuery[_]) =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.EXISTS, subquery)

  def NOT_EXISTS(subquery: SQLQuery[_]) =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.NOT_EXISTS, subquery)

  // Simple projections

  def COUNT(expr: Expression): Projection[Long] =
    new ExpressionProjection[Long](dialect.COUNT(expr.toSql))
  def COUNT_DISTINCT(expr: Expression): Projection[Long] =
    new ExpressionProjection[Long](dialect.COUNT_DISTINCT(expr.toSql))
  def MAX(expr: Expression): Projection[Any] =
    new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.MAX(expr.toSql))
  def MIN(expr: Expression) =
    new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.MIN(expr.toSql))
  def SUM(expr: Expression) =
    new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.SUM(expr.toSql))
  def AVG(expr: Expression) =
    new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.AVG(expr.toSql))

  // Queries DSL

  def SELECT[T](p1: Projection[T], p2: Projection[_], pn: Projection[_]*) = {
    val projections = List(p1, p2) ++ pn
    new Select(new AliasMapProjection(projections))
  def SELECT[T](projection: Projection[T]): Select[T] = new Select(projection)
  def INSERT_INTO[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](relation: Relation[PK, R]) =
    new InsertSelectHelper(relation)
  def UPDATE[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](node: RelationNode[PK, R]) =
    new Update(node)
  def DELETE[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](node: RelationNode[PK, R]) =
    new Delete(node)
