
package ru.circumflex.orm

import ru.circumflex.core._
import java.util.Date
import xml._
import java.sql.ResultSet
import scala.math.BigDecimal._


The Field class holds atomic values of records. It wraps actual value and provides methods for constructing column definitions for enclosing tables. It also contains the REFERENCES method which is used to create associations and various methods for composing simple predicates.

class Field[T, R <: Record[_, R]](val name: String,
                                  val record: R,
                                  val sqlType: String)
    extends ValueHolder[T, R] with SQLable {

  def uuid = record.getClass.getName + "." + name

  def toSql: String = dialect.columnDefinition(this)

  def read(rs: ResultSet, alias: String): Option[T] = {
    val o = rs.getObject(alias)
    if (rs.wasNull) None
    else Some(o.asInstanceOf[T])

Column Definition Methods

Following methods help you construct a definition of the column where the field will be persisted:

  • NOT_NULL will render NOT NULL constraint in column's definition; note that starting from 2.0, by default the NOT NULL constraint is omitted and NULLABLE construct is no longer supported; this method can also be used as a shortcut for specifying the NOT NULL constraint and assigning default field value:

    // following declarations are identical val createdAt = “createdat”.TIMESTAMP.NOTNULL.set(new Date()) val createdAt = “createdat”.TIMESTAMP.NOTNULL(new Date())

  • DEFAULT will render the DEFAULT expression in column's definition (if not overriden by dialect);
  • UNIQUE will create a UNIQUE constraint for enclosing table on the field.
  protected var _notNull: Boolean = false
  def notNull_?(): Boolean = _notNull
  def NOT_NULL(): this.type = {
    _notNull = true
    return this
  def NOT_NULL(initialValue: T): this.type = NOT_NULL().set(initialValue)

  protected var _unique: Boolean = false
  def unique_?(): Boolean = _unique
  def UNIQUE(): this.type = {
    _unique = true
    return this

  protected var _defaultExpression: Option[String] = None
  def defaultExpression: Option[String] = _defaultExpression
  def DEFAULT(expr: String): this.type = {
    _defaultExpression = Some(expr)
    return this

  def REFERENCES[P <: Record[T, P]](relation: Relation[T, P]): Association[T, R, P] =
    new Association(this, relation)

Simple expressions

Simple expressions are used to compose predicates in a DSL-style.

  def GT(value: T): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.GT(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
  def GT(col: ColumnExpression[_, _]): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.GT(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)
  def GE(value: T): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.GE(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
  def GE(col: ColumnExpression[_, _]): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.GE(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)
  def LT(value: T): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.LT(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
  def LT(col: ColumnExpression[_, _]): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.LT(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)
  def LE(value: T): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.LE(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
  def LE(col: ColumnExpression[_, _]): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.LE(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)

  def IN(params: Seq[T]): Predicate =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.parameterizedIn(aliasedName, => placeholder)), params.toList)
  def BETWEEN(lowerValue: T, upperValue: T) =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.BETWEEN(aliasedName, placeholder, placeholder), List(lowerValue, upperValue))

  def IN(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.IN(aliasedName), query)
  def NOT_IN(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.NOT_IN(aliasedName), query)

  def EQ_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.EQ(aliasedName, dialect.ALL), query)
  def NE_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.NE(aliasedName, dialect.ALL), query)
  def GT_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.GT(aliasedName, dialect.ALL), query)
  def GE_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.GE(aliasedName, dialect.ALL), query)
  def LT_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.LT(aliasedName, dialect.ALL), query)
  def LE_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.LE(aliasedName, dialect.ALL), query)

  def EQ_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.EQ(aliasedName, dialect.SOME), query)
  def NE_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.NE(aliasedName, dialect.SOME), query)
  def GT_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.GT(aliasedName, dialect.SOME), query)
  def GE_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.GE(aliasedName, dialect.SOME), query)
  def LT_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.LT(aliasedName, dialect.SOME), query)
  def LE_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_]): Predicate =
    new SubqueryExpression(dialect.LE(aliasedName, dialect.SOME), query)


trait AutoIncrementable[T, R <: Record[_, R]] extends Field[T, R] {
  protected var _autoIncrement: Boolean = false
  def autoIncrement_?(): Boolean = _autoIncrement
  def AUTO_INCREMENT(): this.type = {
    _autoIncrement = true
    return this

class IntField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R)
    extends XmlSerializable[Int, R](name, record, dialect.integerType)
    with AutoIncrementable[Int, R] {
  def from(str: String): Option[Int] =
    try Some(str.toInt) catch { case _ => None }

class LongField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R)
    extends XmlSerializable[Long, R](name, record, dialect.longType)
    with AutoIncrementable[Long, R]{
  def from(str: String): Option[Long] =
    try Some(str.toLong) catch { case _ => None }

class DoubleField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String,
                                     record: R,
                                     val precision: Int = -1,
                                     val scale: Int = 0)
    extends XmlSerializable[Double, R](name, record, dialect.numericType(precision, scale)) {
  override def read(rs: ResultSet, alias: String): Option[Double] = {
    val d = rs.getDouble(alias)
    if (rs.wasNull) None
    else Some(d)
  def from(str: String): Option[Double] =
    try Some(str.toDouble) catch { case _ => None }

class NumericField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String,
                                      record: R,
                                      val precision: Int = -1,
                                      val scale: Int = 0,
                                      val roundingMode: RoundingMode.RoundingMode = RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)
    extends XmlSerializable[BigDecimal, R](name, record, dialect.numericType(precision, scale)) {
  def from(str: String): Option[BigDecimal] =
    try Some(BigDecimal(str)) catch { case _ => None }
  override def read(rs: ResultSet, alias: String): Option[BigDecimal] = {
    val bd = rs.getBigDecimal(alias)
    if (rs.wasNull) None
    else Some(new BigDecimal(bd))
  addSetter(v => v.setScale(scale, roundingMode))

class TextField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R, sqlType: String)
    extends XmlSerializable[String, R](name, record, sqlType) {
  def this(name: String, record: R, length: Int = -1) =
    this(name, record, dialect.varcharType(length))
  def from(str: String): Option[String] =
    if (str == "") None else Some(str)

  def LIKE(value: String) = new SimpleExpression(dialect.LIKE(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
  def LIKE(col: ColumnExpression[String, _]) =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.LIKE(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)
  def ILIKE(value: String) = new SimpleExpression(dialect.ILIKE(aliasedName, placeholder), List(value))
  def ILIKE(col: ColumnExpression[String, _]) =
    new SimpleExpression(dialect.ILIKE(aliasedName, col.toSql), Nil)

class BooleanField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R)
    extends XmlSerializable[Boolean, R](name, record, dialect.booleanType) {
  def from(str: String): Option[Boolean] =
    try Some(str.toBoolean) catch { case _ => None }

class TimestampField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R)
    extends XmlSerializable[Date, R](name, record, dialect.timestampType) {
  def from(str: String): Option[Date] =
    try Some(new Date(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(str).getTime)) catch { case _ => None }
  override def to(value: Option[Date]): String = => new java.sql.Timestamp(v.getTime).toString).getOrElse("")

class DateField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R)
    extends XmlSerializable[Date, R](name, record, dialect.dateType) {
  def from(str: String): Option[Date] =
    try Some(new Date(java.sql.Date.valueOf(str).getTime)) catch { case _ => None }
  override def to(value: Option[Date]): String = => new java.sql.Date(v.getTime).toString).getOrElse("")

class TimeField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R)
    extends XmlSerializable[Date, R](name, record, dialect.timeType) {
  def from(str: String): Option[Date] =
    try Some(new Date(java.sql.Time.valueOf(str).getTime)) catch { case _ => None }
  override def to(value: Option[Date]): String = => new java.sql.Time(v.getTime).toString).getOrElse("")

class XmlField[R <: Record[_, R]](name: String, record: R, val root: String)
    extends XmlSerializable[Elem, R](name, record, dialect.xmlType) {
  def from(str: String): Option[Elem] = Some(XML.loadString(
    "<" + root + ">" + str + "</" + root +">"))
  override def read(rs: ResultSet, alias: String) =
    any2option(rs.getString(alias)).map(x => XML.loadString(x))
  override def placeholder = dialect.xmlPlaceholder

class FieldComposition2[T1, T2, R <: Record[_, R]](val _1: Field[T1, R],
                                                   val _2: Field[T2, R],
                                                   val record: R)
    extends ValueHolder[(T1, T2), R] {

  def name = dialect.compositeFieldName(,

  override def value: Option[(T1, T2)] = (_1.get, _2.get) match {
    case (Some(v1), Some(v2)) => Some(v1 -> v2)
    case _ => None

  override def set(v: Option[(T1, T2)]): this.type = {
    v match {
      case Some(Pair(v1, v2)) =>
      case _ =>
    return this

  protected def _getPrefix = + ".").getOrElse("")

  override def aliasedName: String = {
    val prefix = _getPrefix
    return dialect.compositeFieldName(prefix +, prefix +

  override def EQ(value: (T1, T2)) = {
    val prefix = _getPrefix
    AND(new SimpleExpression(dialect.EQ(prefix +, placeholder), List(value._1)),
      new SimpleExpression(dialect.EQ(prefix +, placeholder), List(value._2)))
  override def NE(value: (T1, T2)) = {
    val prefix = _getPrefix
    AND(new SimpleExpression(dialect.NE(prefix +, placeholder), List(value._1)),
      new SimpleExpression(dialect.NE(prefix +, placeholder), List(value._2)))
  override def IS_NULL = {
    val prefix = _getPrefix
    AND(new SimpleExpression(dialect.IS_NULL(prefix +, Nil),
      new SimpleExpression(dialect.IS_NULL(prefix +, Nil))
  override def IS_NOT_NULL = {
    val prefix = _getPrefix
    AND(new SimpleExpression(dialect.IS_NOT_NULL(prefix +, Nil),
      new SimpleExpression(dialect.IS_NOT_NULL(prefix +, Nil))