
package ru.circumflex

import core._, freemarker._, web._
import _root_.freemarker.template._

The ftl package

Package ftl contains rendering methods, ftl for use in Circumflex Web Framework and ftl2xxx to render an FTL template into xxx. It also maintains Freemarker configuration, use ftlConfig to access it if you need custom operations, or use ftl.configuration configuration parameter to provide your own implementation of FreeMarker Configuration.

You should import this package to use Circumflex FreeMarker Helper in your application:

import ru.circumflex.freemarker._
package object freemarker {

  val ftlConfig: Configuration = cx.instantiate[Configuration](
    "ftl.configuration", new DefaultConfiguration)

  def ftl(template: String, data: Any = ctx): Nothing =
    response.body(r => ftlConfig.getTemplate(template).process(data, r.getWriter)).flush_!

  def ftl2string(template: String, root: Any = ctx): String = {
    val result = new StringWriter
    ftlConfig.getTemplate(template).process(root, result)
    return result.toString
