
package ru.circumflex.web

import ru.circumflex.core._
import javax.servlet.Filter
import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.{ServletHolder, DefaultServlet, Context => JettyContext}
import org.mortbay.jetty.{Handler, Server}

Standalone Server

Circumflex Web Framework ships StandaloneServer which uses Jetty to start accepting request without even the need to us deployment descriptor (which is otherwise required by Servlet Specification).

Following configuration parameters are required to get standalone server up and running:

  • cx.root specifies content root of web application (src/main/webapp is default;
  • cx.port specifies port which Jetty will listen to;
  • cx.router specifies the class name of the main RequestRouter.

Usage is simple: use start method to bring standalone server up and stop method to shut the server down.

Refer to source code and Jetty documentation for more information.

class StandaloneServer {

  def filters: Seq[Class[_ <: Filter]] = List(classOf[CircumflexFilter])

  protected var jetty: Server = null
  protected var context: JettyContext = null

  def init() = {
    val webappRoot = cx.get("cx.root") match {
      case Some(s: String) => s
      case _ => "src/main/webapp"
    jetty = new Server(cx.get("cx.port") match {
      case Some(p: Int) => p
      case Some(s: String) => try { s.toInt } catch { case _ => 8180 }
      case _ => 8180
    context = new JettyContext(jetty, "/", JettyContext.SESSIONS)
    context.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new DefaultServlet), "/*")
    filters.foreach(f => context.addFilter(f, "/*", Handler.ALL))

  def start = {

  def stop = if (jetty != null) jetty.stop
