
package ru.circumflex.orm

import java.sql.{ResultSet, PreparedStatement}
import ru.circumflex.core._


SQL and DML queries form the heart of Circumflex ORM DSL.

Common features implemented in the Query trait are named parameters which allow query reuse and ensuring alias uniqueness which prevents implicit relation node aliases from colliding within a single query.

The SQLQuery trait represents data-retrieval queries which usually employ the executeQuery method of JDBC PreparedStatement and process JDBC ResultSet.

The DMLQuery trait represents data-manipulation queries which usually employ the executeUpdate method of JDBC PreparedStatement and return the number of affected rows.

trait Query extends SQLable with ParameterizedExpression with Cloneable {

  // Keep track of last execution time
  protected var _executionTime = 0l
  def executionTime = _executionTime

  protected var _aliasCounter = 0;

  protected def nextAlias: String = {
    _aliasCounter += 1
    return "this_" + _aliasCounter

  def setParams(st: PreparedStatement, index: Int): Int = {
    var paramsCounter = index;
    parameters.foreach(p => {
      typeConverter.write(st, convertNamedParam(p), paramsCounter)
      paramsCounter += 1
    return paramsCounter

  protected var _namedParams: Map[String, Any] = Map()

  def renderParams: Seq[Any] = parameters.map(p => convertNamedParam(p))

  def set(name: String, value: Any): this.type = {
    _namedParams += name -> value
    return this

  protected def convertNamedParam(param: Any): Any = param match {
    case s: Symbol => lookupNamedParam(s.name)
    case s: String if (s.startsWith(":")) => lookupNamedParam(s)
    case _ => param

  protected def lookupNamedParam(name: String): Any =
    _namedParams.get(name.replaceAll("^:", "")) match {
      case Some(p) => p
      case _ => name

  override def clone(): this.type = super.clone.asInstanceOf[this.type]

  override def toString = toSql

The SQLQuery trait defines a contract for data-retrieval queries. It's only type parameter T designates the query result type (it is determined by specified projections).

abstract class SQLQuery[T](val projection: Projection[T]) extends Query {

  def projections: Seq[Projection[_]] = List(projection)

  protected def ensureProjectionAlias[T](projection: Projection[T]): Unit =
    projection match {
      case p: AtomicProjection[_] if (p.alias == "this") => p.AS(nextAlias)
      case p: CompositeProjection[_] =>
      case _ =>


  def resultSet[A](actions: ResultSet => A): A = {
    val result = time {
      tx.execute(toSql) { st =>
        setParams(st, 1)
        val rs = st.executeQuery
        try {
        } finally {
      } { throw _ }
    _executionTime = result._1
    return result._2

  def read(rs: ResultSet): Option[T] = projection.read(rs)

  def list(): Seq[T] = resultSet { rs =>
    var result = List[T]()
    while (rs.next) read(rs) match {
      case Some(r) =>
        result ++= List(r)
      case _ =>

  def unique(): Option[T] = resultSet(rs => {
    if (!rs.next)
    else if (rs.isLast)
    else throw new ORMException("Unique result expected, but multiple rows found.")


class NativeSQLQuery[T](projection: Projection[T],
                        expression: ParameterizedExpression)
    extends SQLQuery[T](projection) {
  def parameters = expression.parameters
  def toSql = expression.toSql.replaceAll("\\{\\*\\}", projection.toSql)

SearchQuery represents a query with a WHERE clause.

trait SearchQuery extends Query {
  protected var _where: Predicate = EmptyPredicate

  def where: Predicate = this._where
  def WHERE(predicate: Predicate): this.type = {
    this._where = predicate
    return this
  def WHERE(expression: String, params: Pair[String,Any]*): this.type =
    WHERE(prepareExpr(expression, params: _*))

  def add(predicates: Predicate*): this.type = {
    where match {
      case EmptyPredicate =>
        this._where = AND(predicates: _*)
      case p: AggregatePredicate if (p.operator == dialect.and) =>
        p.add(predicates: _*)
      case p =>
        this._where = _where.AND(predicates: _*)
    return this
  def add(expression: String, params: Pair[String, Any]*): this.type =
    add(prepareExpr(expression, params: _*))

class Select[T](projection: Projection[T]) extends SQLQuery[T](projection)
    with SearchQuery {

  // Commons
  protected var _distinct: Boolean = false
  protected var _auxProjections: Seq[Projection[_]] = Nil
  protected var _relations: Seq[RelationNode[_, _]] = Nil

  protected var _having: Predicate = EmptyPredicate
  protected var _groupBy: Seq[Projection[_]] = Nil
  protected var _setOps: Seq[Pair[SetOperation, SQLQuery[T]]] = Nil
  protected var _orders: Seq[Order] = Nil
  protected var _limit: Int = -1
  protected var _offset: Int = 0

  def parameters: Seq[Any] = where.parameters ++
      _having.parameters ++
      _setOps.flatMap(p => p._2.parameters) ++

  def setOps = _setOps

  // SELECT clause

  override def projections = List(projection) ++ _auxProjections

  def distinct_?(): Boolean = _distinct
  def DISTINCT(): Select[T] = {
    this._distinct = true
    return this

  // FROM clause

  def from = _relations
  def FROM(nodes: RelationNode[_, _]*): Select[T] = {
    this._relations = nodes.toList
    return this

  protected def ensureNodeAlias(node: RelationNode[_, _]): RelationNode[_, _] =
    node match {
      case j: JoinNode[_, _, _, _] =>
      case n: RelationNode[_, _] if (n.alias == "this") => node.AS(nextAlias)
      case n => n

  // HAVING clause

  def having: Predicate = this._having
  def HAVING(predicate: Predicate): Select[T] = {
    this._having = predicate
    return this
  def HAVING(expression: String, params: Pair[String,Any]*): Select[T] =
    HAVING(prepareExpr(expression, params: _*))

  // GROUP BY clause

  def groupBy: Seq[Projection[_]] = _groupBy

  def GROUP_BY(proj: Projection[_]*): Select[T] = {
    proj.toList.foreach(p => addGroupByProjection(p))
    return this

  protected def addGroupByProjection(proj: Projection[_]): Unit =
    findProjection(projection, p => p.equals(proj)) match {
      case None =>
        this._auxProjections ++= List(proj)
        this._groupBy ++= List(proj)
      case Some(p) => this._groupBy ++= List(p)

  protected def findProjection(projection: Projection[_],
                               predicate: Projection[_] => Boolean): Option[Projection[_]] =
    if (predicate(projection)) return Some(projection)
    else projection match {
      case p: CompositeProjection[_] =>
        return p.subProjections.find(predicate)
      case _ => return None

  // Set Operations

  protected def addSetOp(op: SetOperation, sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] = {
    val q = clone()
    q._setOps ++= List(op -> sql)
    return q

  def UNION(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
    addSetOp(OP_UNION, sql)
  def UNION_ALL(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
    addSetOp(OP_UNION_ALL, sql)
  def EXCEPT(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
    addSetOp(OP_EXCEPT, sql)
  def EXCEPT_ALL(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
    addSetOp(OP_EXCEPT_ALL, sql)
  def INTERSECT(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
    addSetOp(OP_INTERSECT, sql)
  def INTERSECT_ALL(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
    addSetOp(OP_INTERSECT_ALL, sql)

  // ORDER BY clause

  def orderBy = _orders
  def ORDER_BY(order: Order*): Select[T] = {
    this._orders ++= order.toList
    return this

  // LIMIT and OFFSET clauses

  def limit = this._limit
  def LIMIT(value: Int): Select[T] = {
    _limit = value
    return this

  def offset = this._offset
  def OFFSET(value: Int): Select[T] = {
    _offset = value
    return this

  // Miscellaneous

  def toSql = dialect.select(this)


The DMLQuery trait defines a contract for data-manipulation queries.

trait DMLQuery extends Query {

  def execute(): Int = {
    val result = time {
      tx.execute(toSql){ st =>
        setParams(st, 1)
      } { throw _ }
    _executionTime = result._1
    return result._2

class NativeDMLQuery(expression: ParameterizedExpression) extends DMLQuery {
  def parameters = expression.parameters
  def toSql = expression.toSql

class Insert[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val relation: Relation[PK, R],
                                     val fields: Seq[Field[_, R]])
    extends DMLQuery {
  def parameters = fields.map(_.value)
  def toSql: String = dialect.insert(this)

class InsertSelect[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val relation: Relation[PK, R],
                                           val query: SQLQuery[_])
    extends DMLQuery {
  if (relation.readOnly_?)
    throw new ORMException("The relation " + relation.qualifiedName + " is read-only.")
  def parameters = query.parameters
  def toSql: String = dialect.insertSelect(this)

class InsertSelectHelper[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val relation: Relation[PK, R]) {
  def SELECT[T](projection: Projection[T]) = new InsertSelect(relation, new Select(projection))

class Delete[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val node: RelationNode[PK, R])
    extends DMLQuery with SearchQuery {
  val relation = node.relation
  if (relation.readOnly_?)
    throw new ORMException("The relation " + relation.qualifiedName + " is read-only.")

  def parameters = where.parameters
  def toSql: String = dialect.delete(this)

class Update[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val node: RelationNode[PK, R])
    extends DMLQuery with SearchQuery {
  val relation = node.relation
  if (relation.readOnly_?)
    throw new ORMException("The relation " + relation.qualifiedName + " is read-only.")

  private var _setClause: Seq[(Field[_, R], Option[Any])] = Nil
  def setClause = _setClause
  def SET[T](field: Field[T, R], value: T): Update[PK, R] = {
    _setClause ++= List(field -> Some(value))
    return this
  def SET[K, P <: Record[K, P]](association: Association[K, R, P], value: P): Update[PK, R]=
    SET(association.field.asInstanceOf[Field[Any, R]], value.PRIMARY_KEY.value)
  def SET_NULL[T](field: Field[T, R]): Update[PK, R] = {
    _setClause ++= List(field -> None)
    return this
  def SET_NULL[K, P <: Record[K, P]](association: Association[K, R, P]): Update[PK, R] =

  def parameters = _setClause.map(_._2) ++ where.parameters
  def toSql: String = dialect.update(this)
