
package ru.circumflex.web

import ru.circumflex.core._
import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.{Context => JettyContext}
import org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext
import org.mortbay.jetty.{Server}

Standalone Server

Circumflex Web Framework ships StandaloneServer which uses Jetty under the curtains. It can be used to start server manually (e.g. via Scala console). Usage is simple: use start method to bring standalone server up and stop method to shut the server down. Initialization are not synchronized, so if you intend dynamic start-stop functionality, consider external synchronization.

The best practice for setting up the standalone server is to provide a singleton object:

object MyServer extends StandaloneServer

Following configuration parameters are required to get standalone server up and running:

  • cx.webappRoot specifies content root of web application (src/main/webapp is default);
  • cx.contextPath specifies the context path of web application (/ by default);
  • cx.port specifies port which Jetty will listen to.

Jetty's WebAppContext is used as default requests handler: it provides sensible defaults for almost every web application startup (it reads configuration from web.xml and all other Jetty-specific descriptors). You can override default handler:

object MyServer extends StandaloneServer {
  context(new JettyContext(...))

You can also supply your own implementation of Jetty's Server:

object MyServer extends StandaloneServer {
   server(new JettyServer(...))

Refer to Jetty documentation for more information.

class StandaloneServer {

  protected var _jetty: Server = null
  protected var _context: JettyContext = null

  val port: Int = cx.get("cx.port") match {
    case Some(p: Int) => p
    case Some(s: String) => try { s.toInt } catch { case _ => 8180 }
    case _ => 8180

  val webappRoot: String = cx.get("cx.webappRoot") match {
    case Some(s: String) => s
    case _ => "src/main/webapp"

  val contextPath: String = cx.get("cx.contextPath") match {
    case Some(s: String) => s
    case _ => "/"

  def context(jettyContext: JettyContext): this.type = {
    _context = jettyContext
    return this

  def context: JettyContext = {
    if (_context == null) {
      _context = new WebAppContext(webappRoot, contextPath)
    return _context

  def server(jettyServer: Server): this.type = {
    _jetty = jettyServer
    return this

  def server: Server = {
    if (_jetty == null) {
      _jetty = new Server(port)
    return _jetty

  def start = server.start
  def stop = if (_jetty != null) _jetty.stop
