The Association class lets you create associations between relations which are typically represented by foreign key constraints in database. This kind of relationship is often referred to as one-to-one or many-to-one (the former is implemented by adding a UNIQUE constraint).
We use some terminology when speaking about associations:
- the
C type parameter points to the relation which owns this association (we refer to it as the child relation);
- the
P type parameter points to the referenced relation (we refer to it as the parent relation);
- the
K type parameter is a type of this association field's value, it must match the type of parent relation's primary key.
class Association[K, C <: Record[_, C], P <: Record[K, P]](val field: Field[K, C],
val parentRelation: Relation[K, P])
extends ValueHolder[P, C] { assoc =>
def name =
def record = field.record
// Cascading actions
protected var _onDelete: ForeignKeyAction = NO_ACTION
def onDelete = _onDelete
def ON_DELETE(action: ForeignKeyAction): this.type = {
_onDelete = action
return this
protected var _onUpdate: ForeignKeyAction = NO_ACTION
def onUpdate = _onUpdate
def ON_UPDATE(action: ForeignKeyAction): this.type = {
_onUpdate = action
return this
// State maintenance
override def value: Option[P] =
field.value.flatMap(id => parentRelation.get(id))
override def set(v: Option[P]): this.type = {
return this
// Simple expressions
def IS(record: P): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(dialect.EQ(aliasedName, placeholder), List(record.PRIMARY_KEY.get))
def IS_NOT(record: P): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(dialect.NE(aliasedName, placeholder), List(record.PRIMARY_KEY.get))
def IN(params: Iterable[P]): Predicate = new SimpleExpression(
dialect.parameterizedIn(aliasedName, => placeholder)),
def joinPredicate(childAlias: String, parentAlias: String): Predicate = {
val lh = dialect.qualifyColumn(field, childAlias)
val rh = dialect.qualifyColumn(parentRelation.PRIMARY_KEY, parentAlias)
return new SimpleExpression(dialect.EQ(lh, rh), Nil)
Inverse Associations
Inverse assocations provide a way to access c hild records from parent relation. This type of relationship is often referred to as one-to-one or one-to-many (the former one is implemented by applying a UNIQUE constraint). They are essentially useful in a combination with Criteria for fetching whole hierarchy of associated records in a single SQL SELECT .
trait InverseAssociation[K, C <: Record[_, C], P <: Record[K, P], T]
extends Wrapper[T] {
def item: T = get()
def association: Association[K, C, P]
def record: P
def fetch(): Seq[C] = if (record.transient_?) Nil
else contextCache.cacheInverse(record.PRIMARY_KEY(), association, {
val root = association.field.record.relation AS "root"
SELECT(root.*).FROM(root).WHERE(association.field EQ record.PRIMARY_KEY()).list
def get(): T
def apply(): T = get()
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: InverseAssociation[_, _, _, _] =>
that.association == this.association
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = association.hashCode
class InverseMany[K, C <: Record[_, C], P <: Record[K, P]](
val record: P, val association: Association[K, C, P])
extends InverseAssociation[K, C, P, Seq[C]] {
def get(): Seq[C] = fetch()
class InverseOne[K, C <: Record[_, C], P <: Record[K, P]](
val record: P, val association: Association[K, C, P])
extends InverseAssociation[K, C, P, Option[C]] {
def get(): Option[C] = {
val children = fetch()
if (children.size <= 0) return None
if (children.size > 1)
throw new ORMException("One-to-one relationship expected, by multiple records found. " +
"Add a UNIQUE constraint or stick with InverseMany.")
return Some(children(0))