Character protector
We use character protector mechanism to ensure that certain elements of markup, such as inline HTML blocks, remain undamaged when processing.
class Protector {
protected var protectHash: Map[String, CharSequence] = Map()
protected var unprotectHash: Map[CharSequence, String] = Map()
def randomKey = "!}" + (0 until keySize).foldLeft("")((s, i) =>
s + chars.charAt(rnd.nextInt(chars.length)))
def addToken(t: CharSequence): String = unprotectHash.get(t) match {
case Some(key) => key
case _ =>
val key = randomKey
protectHash += key -> t
unprotectHash += t -> key
def decode(key: String): Option[CharSequence] = protectHash.get(key)
def keys = protectHash.keys
def clear: Unit = {
protectHash = Map()
unprotectHash = Map()
override def toString = protectHash.toString
Mutable Character Buffer
We use StringEx internally for various text processing stuff. It wraps a mutable buffer: StringBuilder and enhances it with replaceAll and replaceIndexed functionality. The rationale behind low-level replacements is that java.util.regex.Matcher supports StringBuffer in appendReplacement and appendTail methods. Since our processing environment does not support multithreading, we avoid synchronization costs using StringBuilder instead.
class StringEx(var buffer: StringBuilder) extends CharSequence {
def this(cs: CharSequence) = this(new StringBuilder(cs))
// A tricky one: uses specified `pattern` to point the start of replacement and lets
// `replacement` function determine the end index of replacement.
def replaceIndexed(pattern: Pattern, replacement: Matcher => (CharSequence, Int)): this.type = {
var startIndex = 0
val m = pattern.matcher(buffer)
while (m.find(startIndex)) {
val r = replacement(m)
val text = r._1.toString
val endIdx = r._2
// apply replacement
buffer.replace(m.start, endIdx, text)
// evaluate new start index
startIndex = m.start + text.length
return this
def replaceAll(pattern: Pattern, replacement: Matcher => CharSequence): this.type = {
replaceIfFound(pattern, replacement)
return this
def replaceIfFound(pattern: Pattern, replacement: Matcher => CharSequence): Boolean = {
var lastIndex = 0;
val m = pattern.matcher(buffer)
val sb = new StringBuilder(buffer.length)
var result = false
while (m.find()) {
sb.append(buffer.subSequence(lastIndex, m.start))
lastIndex = m.end
result = true;
sb.append(buffer.subSequence(lastIndex, buffer.length))
this.buffer = sb
return result
def replaceFirst(pattern: Pattern, replacement: Matcher => CharSequence): Int = {
var length = -1
val m = pattern.matcher(buffer)
if (m.find()) {
val sb = new StringBuilder(buffer.length)
sb.append(buffer.subSequence(0, m.start))
sb.append(buffer.subSequence(m.end, buffer.length))
this.buffer = sb
length = m.end - m.start
return length
def replaceFirst(pattern: Pattern, replacement: CharSequence): Int =
replaceFirst(pattern, m => replacement)
def replaceAll(pattern: Pattern, replacement: CharSequence): this.type =
replaceAll(pattern, m => replacement)
def replaceAll(text: String, replacement: CharSequence): this.type = {
if (text.length == 0) return this
var i = buffer.indexOf(text)
while (i != -1) {
buffer.replace(i, i + text.length, replacement.toString)
i = buffer.indexOf(text, i + replacement.length)
return this
def split(pattern: Pattern): Seq[StringEx] =
pattern.split(buffer).map(s => new StringEx(s))
def append(cs: CharSequence): this.type = {
return this
def prepend(cs: CharSequence): this.type = {
buffer.replace(0, 0, cs.toString)
return this
def outdent(): this.type = replaceAll(regexes.outdent(4), "")
def startsWith(cs: CharSequence): Boolean = {
if (cs.length == 0) return true
if (cs.length > buffer.length) return false
var i = 0
while (i < cs.length) {
if (cs.charAt(i) != buffer.charAt(i))
return false
i += 1
return true
def endsWith(cs: CharSequence): Boolean = {
if (cs.length == 0) return true
if (cs.length > buffer.length) return false
var i = 1
while (i <= cs.length) {
if (cs.charAt(cs.length - i) != buffer.charAt(buffer.length - i))
return false
i += 1
return true
def equals(cs: CharSequence): Boolean = {
if (cs.length != buffer.length)
return false
return startsWith(cs)
def trimLeft(): Int = {
var i = 0
while ((i < buffer.length) && (buffer.charAt(i) <= ' '))
i += 1
if (i > 0)
buffer.delete(0, i)
return i
def trimRight(): Int = {
var i = 0
while ((i < buffer.length) && (buffer.charAt(buffer.length - i - 1) <= ' '))
i += 1
if (i > 0) buffer.delete(buffer.length - i, buffer.length)
return i
def trim(): this.type = {
return this
def matches(pattern: Pattern): Boolean =
def matches[B](pattern: Pattern, function: Matcher => B): Option[B] = {
val m = pattern.matcher(buffer)
if (m.matches) Some(function(m))
else None
// inherited from `CharSequence`
def length: Int = buffer.length
def subSequence(start: Int, end: Int): CharSequence = buffer.subSequence(start, end)
def charAt(index: Int): Char = buffer.charAt(index)
override def toString = buffer.toString
class ChunkIterator(val chunks: Seq[StringEx]) {
private var _index = -1
def index = _index
def hasNext: Boolean = (_index + 1) < chunks.length
def next: StringEx = {
_index += 1
return chunks(_index)
def peek: StringEx = chunks(_index + 1)
def reset: this.type = {
_index = -1
return this
def stepBack: Unit = if (_index > -1) _index -= 1
def size = chunks.size
class CharIterator(val chunk: StringEx) {
private var _index = -1
def index = _index
def hasNext: Boolean = (_index + 1) < chunk.length
def next: Char = {
_index += 1
return chunk.charAt(_index)
def peek: Char = chunk.charAt(_index + 1)
def reset: this.type = {
_index = -1
return this
def startFrom(i: Int): this.type = {
_index = i - 1
return this
def stepBack: Unit = if (_index > -1) _index -= 1
def size = chunk.length