The core Package
Package core contains different shortcuts, utilities and implicits. You should import this package if you intend to use Circumflex API:
import ru.circumflex.core._
package object core {
val CX_LOG = new Logger("ru.circumflex.core")
val cx = Circumflex
def ctx = Context.get
lazy val msg = cx.instantiate[MessageResolver]("cx.messages", new PropertyFileResolver)
// Utils
def camelCaseToUnderscore(arg: String) = arg.replaceAll("(?<!^)([A-Z])","_$1").toLowerCase
def time[T](block: => T): (Long, T) = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val result = block
(System.currentTimeMillis - startTime, result)
def any2option[T](obj: T): Option[T] = if (obj == null) None else Some(obj)
def digest(algorithm: String, text: String) = {
val md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm)
.map(b => Integer.toHexString(0xFF & b))
.map(b => if (b.length == 1) "0" + b else b)
def md5(text: String) = digest("md5", text)
def sha256(text: String) = digest("sha-256", text)
@inline implicit def symbol2string(sym: Symbol): String =
@inline implicit def symbol2contextVarHelper(sym: Symbol): ContextVarHelper =
new ContextVarHelper(sym)